How to open Boxes?

Regarding Box Opening

If you have a MAJESTIC BOX or BOOSTER BOX, you can open these boxes to obtain Part NFTs. However, the FOUNDERS BOX does not contain parts components and will automatically transform into a FOUNDERS MECH at a specific time(2023 SEP 14 AM 06:00 PT) without any user action.

When you open a MAJESTIC BOX or BOOSTER BOX, new Part NFTs are minted in the process. To Open a Box, you will need a small amount of ETH to cover the transaction gas fee.

Boxes & Parts Rarity Spectrum

Before opening a box, you can refer to the table below to understand how the rarity of Parts is structured based on the type and rarity of each Box. This information can help you anticipate the types of Parts you might obtain when opening a specific Box.

Box open guideline

If you are the owner of Box NFTs, you can check the boxes you own on the website


You can activate the OPEN MODE in the highlighted (bottom left) area on the screen (image below) to open boxes that are available for opening. This will allow you to access and open those boxes.


You can only open the selected boxes by clicking the 'OPEN BOX' button.

The number of boxes that can be opened at once is determined based on the maximum number of parts included in the box, with a maximum of 150 pieces at one time. Since 1 Majestic Box contains 10 Parts, you are limited to opening up to 15 boxes at a time. Since 1 Booster Box contains 5 Parts, you are limited to opening up to 30 boxes at a time.

3. Transaction Confirm

During the transaction execution process, the boxes may go through a "Burned Box" phase, and new Parts may be minted as part of the process. This means that the boxes are effectively consumed or destroyed (burned), and in return, you receive new Part NFTs, which are minted or created as a result of opening the boxes.


After the Box Open process is complete, you can check the newly minted Part NFTs in the "MY PARTS" menu. These newly created Part NFTs will be available for you to view and manage.

Last updated