What are Mech NFTs?

TMP Mech (Training Mech Prototype)

TMP Mechs are non-NFT starter mechs that everyone has access to. They don't require a Web3 wallet or any initial purchases to play.

TMPs come with predetermined attributes and move sets and cannot be disassembled. These stats are slightly lower than Wreck Mechs and Wreck Mech Type-Cs as they're meant to introduce new players to Wreck League and not be highly competitive on their own.

We'll make a few TMPs available for all users on a limited-time basis. After some time has passed, we'll rotate them out for a new set of TMPs with new attributes and move sets.

Wreck Mech Type-C (Non-Minted)

Wreck Mech Type-Cs are created by combining 10 Part NFTs via the Assemble page. These mechs don't cost any gas to create!

How a mech looks and plays is determined by the attributes of the individual Part NFTs that were used to assemble it. You can freely mix and match different parts to create unique mech styles without paying any gas fees.

Removing a Part NFT from your wallet will automatically disassemble any Wreck Mech Type-Cs that are using that part.

Wreck Mech (Minted)

Wreck Mechs are created by minting a Wreck Mech Type-C. Minting a mech stakes your 10 Part NFTs and grants you a Wreck Mech NFT in return. Minting a mech will cost you gas!

Wreck Mechs are the most exclusive mech tier in Wreck League. We plan to create exclusive utility for them in the future: for example, revenue share from selling off-chain copies of your mech to players in the F2P version of the game.

Founders Mech

Founders Mechs are obtained from Founders Boxes, which can be claimed during mints by holding NFTs in your wallet from participating projects.

Unlike other mech types, Founders Mechs come with predetermined attributes and move sets and cannot be disassembled.

Last updated